Exam Related Notifications
"शैक्षणिक वर्ष 2024-25 व्यवसायी परिचारिका प्रसविका ( NPME) अभ्यासक्रम (18महिने ) अंतिम नियमित परिक्षेसाठी ऑनलाईन पध्दतीने विदयार्थ्यांचे परिक्षा अर्ज, परिक्षा शुल्क, अंतर्गत टर्म मुल्यमापन बाबत.DATE-04/12/2024"
"Attendance Sheet List of ANM 1 st Year Irregular Batch Supplementary Examination A.Y. 2021-22" Date-29-10-2022"

"A Practical Record Book of Midwifery"
Attendance Sheets for ANM first year Supplementary Exam" Attendance Sheets for GNM first year Supplementary Exam" Centre wise Institutes List for GNM first year Supplementary Exam" Centre wise Institutes List for ANM first year Supplementary Exam" Student's Hall Tickets of GNM first year Supplementary Exam" Student's Hall Tickets of ANM first year Supplementary Exam" Seat Number List for GNM first year Supplementary Exam" Seat Number List for ANM first year Supplementary Exam" ए.एन.एम व जी.एन.एम प्रथम वर्ष परिक्षा 2017-18 मधे परिक्षा शुल्क न भरलेलया संस्थाची यादी" Supplementary Exam Time Table ANM-GNM" Notification of ANM /GNM 1st year Supplementary examination A.Y.2018-19" Declaration of ANM /GNM 1st year examination Re-totaling (verification) Result" Regulation of Admission and Fees" General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM) Practical Book" Auxiliary Nurse Midwifery (ANM) Practical Book Notice regarding online mahadbt process for ANM/GNM Institutuion" Notice Regarding ANM 1st yr/GNM 1st yr Re-evaluation." Notice regarding Extension of Enrollment Date of ANM/GNM 1st year students for AY 2018-19." Notice regarding Post-Certificate Examination Re-evaluation" Notice Regarding ANM/GNM 1st year Result" Attendance Sheet ANM Promotional (LHV) Regular Oct 2018 Examination" Hall Ticket List of ANM PROMOTIONAL (LHV) REGULAR OCT-2018 Examination" TIME TABLE OF ANM PROMOTIONAL (L.H.V.) OCT-2018 EXAMINATION" Notification regarding Oral and Practical Attendance" Oral and Practical Sheets and Schedule for ANM 1st Year Examination 2017-18" GUIDELINES TO THE EXAMINERS FOR CONDUCTING ORAL AND PRACTICAL EXAMINATION" Notification regarding Student Enrollment and Exam Application of the course ANM Promotional (L.H.V) for the A.Y. 2018-19" Notification regarding New Proposals and Increase seats" Oral and Practical Sheets and Schedule for GNM 1st Year Examination 2017-18" Examiner and Supervision Bill" New Email Id for the Examination" सर्व ए.एन.एम / जी.एन.एम परिक्षा केंद्र प्रमुखांना सुचना ( महाराष्ट्र राज्य )" जाहिर सुचना: ए.एन.एम./जी.एन.एम नर्सिंग अभ्यासक्रम प्रथम वर्षे परिक्षा सप्टेंबर 2018" GNM Center Institute List First Year Exam September 2018" ANM Center Institute List First Year Exam September 2018" जी.एन.एम. / ए. एन. एम. परिक्षा 2018 बाबत सुचना<" New Hall Ticket List of ANM First Year Regular Examination 2017-18" New Hall Ticket List of GNM First Year Regular Examination 2017-18" Attendance Sheets of GNM First Year Regular Exam 2017-18" Attendance Sheets of ANM First Year Regular Exam 2017-18" Notification regarding ANM Promotional (LHV) examination results" New Time Table of GNM - ANM Examination 2018" Nominated Members on Maharashtra Nursing & Paramedical Education Board Mumbai" Notification Postponement of ANM / GNM Examination" Hall Ticket List of ANM First Year Exam July 2018" Hall Ticket List of GNM First Year Exam July 2018" Regarding ANM and GNM First Year Internal Assessment Marks" GNM FIRST YEAR JULY 2018 Seat No List" ANM FIRST YEAR JULY 2018 Seat No List" Guideline for ANM, GNM, POST CERTIFICATE DIPLOMA Courses and L.H.V Programme to be conducted in A.Y.-2018-19" Combined Examination Timetable for A.Y. 2017-18" GNM First Year Regular Exam July 2018 Exam Time Table" ANM First Year Regular Exam July 2018 Exam Time Table" Paripatrak" Notification for List of Eligible Candidates 1st Year GNM exam in July 2018" Notification for List of Ineligible Candidates 1st Year GNM exam in July 2018" List of Eligible Candidates 1st Year GNM Exam in July 2018" List of Ineligible Candidates 1st Year GNM Exam in July 2018" "Notification for Internal marks term wise,Exam Enrollment and Exam Application" Notice GNM, ANM post certificate course Enrollment" List of ANM and GNM Institutes who need to verify student documents" Documents Verification" Notification Payment of Enrolment Fee" Notification - 25.05.2018" Examination fees" Notification regarding ANM & GNM institutes who have not paid their ENROLLMENT FEES." Notification regarding ANM institutes who have not enrolled but have permission" Attendance Sheet of A.N.M Promotional (L.H.V) Exam - April 2018"Hall Ticket List of A.N.M Promotional (L.H.V) Exam - April 2018."
Other Notifications
"Notification regarding Affiliation for the Academic year 2021-22"
"Notification regarding Affiliation Fee for the Academic year 2018-19 and 2019-20"
"Revised Notification regarding Affiliation for the Academic year 2020-21"
"Notification regarding Affiliation for the Academic year 2019-20"
"Revised Notification regarding Affiliation for the Academic year 2020-21"
"Notification regarding Affiliation for the Academic year 2020-21"
"Urgent Notification regarding AISHE"
"Urgent Notification regarding Mahadbt"
"Notification regarding Proposal"
Institute wise Seat Number List of GNM 1st year Supplementary Examination A.Y. 2019-20
Institute wise Seat Number List of GNM 2nd year Supplementary Examination A.Y. 2019-20
Seat number list with Exempted Subject of GNM 1st year Supplementary Examination 2019-20
Seat number list with Exempted Subject of GNM 2nd year Supplementary Examination 2019-20
Center Institute List of GNM 1st year Supplementary Examination A.Y. 2019-20
Center Institute List of GNM 2nd year Supplementary Examination A.Y. 2019-20
Attendance Sheet List of ANM 1st year Supplementary Examination A.Y. 2019-20
Attendance Sheet List of ANM 2nd year Supplementary Examination A.Y. 2019-20
Institute wise Seat Number List of ANM 1st year Supplementary Examination A.Y. 2019-20
Institute wise Seat Number List of ANM 2nd year Supplementary Examination A.Y. 2019-20
Center Institute List of ANM 2nd year Supplementary Examination A.Y. 2019-20
Center Institute List of ANM 1st year Supplementary Examination A.Y. 2019-20
Urgent Notification regarding AISHE
Hall Tickets of GNM 1st year Supplementary Examination A.Y. 2019-20
Hall Tickets of GNM 2nd year Supplementary Examination A.Y. 2019-20
Hall Tickets of ANM 1st year Supplementary Examination A.Y. 2019-20
Hall Tickets of ANM 2nd year Supplementary Examination A.Y. 2019-20
Seat number list of ANM 2nd year Supplementary Examination 2019-20
Seat number list of ANM 1st year Supplemetary Examination 2019-20
Examination Time Table of ANM 1st & 2nd Year Supplementary Exam for A.Y. 2019-20
Examination Time Table of GNM 1st & 2nd Year Supplementary Exam for A.Y. 2019-20
Notice regarding online application for Diploma Certificate
Notification for GNM 1st & 2nd Year Supplementary Examination A.Y. 2019-20
Notification for term wise Internal marks for fresher Students of ANM/GNM Supplementary Exam 2019-20
Urgent Notification regarding ANM/GNM enrollment of 1st year students for A.Y. 2019-20
Notification for ANM 1st & ANM 2nd Year Supplementary Examination A.Y. 2019-20Supplementary Exam Time Table ANM A.Y.2018-19
Notification for Regarding Marksheets of ANM 2nd Year 2018-19 Examination
Notification for GNM 1st & GNM 2nd Year Supplementary Examination A.Y. 2019-20
Urgent Attention: Notice regarding online application for Diploma Certificate
Notification for ANM 1st & ANM 2nd Year Supplementary Examination A.Y. 2019-20
Notification Regarding Submitting Inspection Information
Urgent Notification regarding Extension of Date of ANM/GNM enrollment for A.Y. 2019-20
<a href="https://www.msbnpe.org/pdf/Inspection Information.jpg"Notification Regarding Submitting Inspection Information
Urgent Notification regarding ANM/GNM enrollment of students for A.Y. 2019-20
Court Judgement ANM, GNM Admission 2019-20
Notification and Hall Tickets of LHV Oct-2019 Examination
Top Five Rank Student List- ANM & GNM Regular Exam July 2018-19
Notice-GNM 1st and 2nd Year 2018-19 Result & Re-Totaling
महाराष्ट्र राज्य शुश्रुषा व परावैद्यक शिक्षण मंडळ कायदा 2013 मधील सेक्शन 5(1) नुसार मंडळाची स्थापना
Notice-ANM 1st and 2nd Year 2018-19 Result & Re-Totaling
Urgent notification regarding ANM and GNM Examination July 2019
LHV (ANM Promotional) Examination Time Table for A.Y. 2019-20
Government Inspection Fees Notification-Increase seat
Notice Regarding EBC National Scholarship
Important Notice regarding AISHE
GNM (3yrs) Oral Practical Examination Sheet
Oral and Practical Schedule of GNM 1st Year Regular Exam for A.Y. 2018-19
Oral and Practical Schedule of GNM 2nd Year Regular Exam for A.Y. 2018-19